Hand-over & Commissioning
• Coordinate with the project’s consultant company, hand-over the project
• Represent the project owner for Commissioning & Testing with the project’s consultant company for a smooth transition.
• Inspection the building’s condition and system along with providing the inspection report to present to the project owner for adjustment
• Represent the project owner deliver hand-over documents, handbook, design plan, and other insurance documents of the project.
• Follow up with the defect rectification from project consulting company and present it to the project owner.
• Coordinate the handover of common asset and project’s keys.
• Represent the project owner for Commissioning & Testing with the project’s consultant company for a smooth transition.
• Inspection the building’s condition and system along with providing the inspection report to present to the project owner for adjustment
• Represent the project owner deliver hand-over documents, handbook, design plan, and other insurance documents of the project.
• Follow up with the defect rectification from project consulting company and present it to the project owner.
• Coordinate the handover of common asset and project’s keys.